Passion Project - Concept to CREAcTION

Is it Time to Actualize your dreams? To make your dreams come True?

Have you always dreamt of doing something with your passions, and yet you find you cannot get started, there's always something else that gets in the way?

The problem with dreams, is that dreams are for when you are sleeping!

And so wake up and allow yourself to embrace what lies as a Truth within your Soul Energy to take your PASSION Project from Concept to CREAcTION.

What is a Passion Project?

It is something you create out of love and passion, not necessarily for financial gain (although what often happens is the financial gain comes as a result of following your passion, but it is not the main driver). It could be anything from setting up a local community project, writing a book, setting up a charity or grassroots organisation, hosting a retreat, the list is endless. It could be absolutely anything that you are passionate about and want to share with others.

But did you know that only a very small percentage of Passion Projects actually become a reality?

Why do so many Passion Projects never make it off the ground?

There are a number of reasons:

  • Time or perceived lack of time
  • Confidence or lack of confidence
  • Clarity of the steps needed or lack of clarity
  • Support or lack of support

Because it is one thing to have a great idea, to have a dream of creating this project and another thing to actually follow through with it.

When Project Management meets Leading Edge Energetics you create Practical Magic!

I’m The Jane Jackson, Project Manager, Spiritual Coach and Energetics Master. Although I’ve only been working as a Project Manager and Energy Healer in the Physical Realm for the last 20 years, I have been working with Time and Magic for Trillions of Years in Non-Physical! Those who know me from both physical and non-physical, recognise me as the no-nonsense ancient soul that makes shit happen and gets on with it!

All You Need To Create Your Passion Project

If you have a Project that you have been pontificating over, or not quite sure where to begin to bring it to life, then the PASSION Project Offerings are what you are looking for to help you take it from Concept to CREAcTION. (Yes I know that’s not how you spell creation, but CREAcTION is a play on words and Energy, because you cannot create something from nothing without taking Action)

There are 3 offerings that will take you through the PASSION Project Concept to CREAcTION Process to help you design and deliver your project utilizing a mixture of practical steps and everyday energetics to Actualization. You don't even have to understand what Energetics are, for them to work! My Energy has a positive influence on All who work with me, all you need to do is take Action!

The Foundation - Defining Your Passion Project Concept

In the Foundation Offering you define the concept of your Passion Project, as well as connect to the Truth for You. Your Truth for You is an aspect of your soul energy, that once understood and aligned to will bring about the connection to Time and Magic to trigger the Concept to CREAcTION. Note this offering is self-study only apart from the complementary 121 Concept Clarity Call.

This offering is for those of you who need help in connecting to Your Truth and Your Passion but want to set up your project without additional support.

What’s Included:

  • Six pre-recorded interactive modules (value £399)
  • Bonus Soul CREAcTION Collage Workshop to trigger Your Truth for You (Value £49)
  • Complementary 30 minute 121 Concept Clarity Call (Value £175)
  • Guidebook
  • Foundation Level Certification

Payment plans available upon request.

Sign Up Here Introductory Price £199

The Intermediate - Flow your Passion Project to CREAcTION

The Intermediate offering is all about taking your Passion Project from Concept to CREAcTION. WE will help you with planning and organising your Passion Project, taking Action and Monitoring Progress so that you are Ready to bring your Passion Project to Reality. Weaved through the planning and organization will be Everyday Energetics. This is the practical magic energy of Emphasis Concept, a unique energy to help this process feel easy and natural.

This is for those who want support, energetic and practical, and accountability to see it through to completion.

Please note if you have already purchased the Foundation Level in the last 6 months, contact us for a discount code giving you £199 off the cost of the Intermediate Level.

What’s Included:

  • Complementary Access to the Foundation Level (value £199)
  • Six pre-recorded interactive modules  (Value £599)
  • Bonus Business Start-up Module (Value £99)
  • 12 month membership to the Passion Project Community (value £300)
  • Complementary 30 minute 121 Concept Clarity Call, only available if you have not already received this through the Foundation Level (Value £175)
  • Guidebook
  • Intermediate Level Certification

Payment Plans available upon request.

Sign Up Here Introductory Price £799

The Advanced - Create Lasting Change with Your Passion Project

The Passion Project 12 week 121 Coaching Programme is for those seeking the potent energetic positive influence and unique support of The Jane Jackson to Create Lasting Change with your Passion Project. This will bring your Soul to Sing again and again and impact positively on other areas of your life for Good with Ease, because when you Fulfill in your Passion to bring Lasting Change you Flow to Good. And when you Flow to Good you manifest positivity in other areas of your life.

You will receive bespoke support and energetics relevant to your specific Passion Project and have an Eternal connection to Everyday Energetics (this is the practical magic energy of Emphasis Concept)

This is only for those who are committed to See it Through to the End of the Project, who have the Time and Space to work on this outside of their business / day job / or other commitments. The Advanced Level is not for everyone, therefore you will need to book a clarity call with me before you commit to this offering.

What’s Included:

  • Complementary Access to the Foundation and Intermediate Levels (Value £799)
  • Complementary access to the Passion Project Community for 36 months (Value £900)
  • Six x 60 minute 121 coaching sessions with The Jane Jackson (Value £2,100)
  • Support in between coaching sessions via a weekly statement and feedback (Value £1,200)
  • A signed copy of the Passion Project Concept to CREAcTION Book once it is published (Value Priceless!)
  • Advanced Level Certification
  • A VIP Day in the Lake District UK for those who Pay in Full

The investment for this offer is £2,999. Payment Plans available upon request.

Book Your Clarity Call Here