CREATE Your Manifest for LIVING Life

To Learn How To Manifest For LIVING Life

Life is for LIVING. Heard that phrase somewhere before? Your Manifest for LIVING Life enables you to Fulfill in your Soul Contract and bring Your Soul to Sing in a breathtaking beautiful way.

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Introducing EMPHASIS CONCEPT numeric energy...

UPDATE YOUR SOUL CONTRACT And Learn to Manifest Above Energetic Law!

Emphasis Concept numeric energy is an energy held within everyone's soul. But the majority of people are unaware of it's presence and much less aware of how to use it! It is an energy of Lightness, Ease and FUN. So whilst we address some serious concepts in the Manifest For LIVING Life Membership this will be approached with an energy of Ease, Lightness and FUN!

Think of Your Manifest for LIVING Life as your Updated Soul Contract, a contract that was agreed in pre-physical before you had the opportunity to experience what LIVING Life was really like in this physical existence. A Soul Contract that may now need changing to fully Align you to what Your Truth for You is now Stating for Your Manifest for LIVING Life.


Manifest For LIVING Life  membership

begins 2nd October 2023 with 1:2:1 options available from September 2023

Your Manifest for LIVING Life enables You to Manifest for LIVING Life. It is your blueprint for manifesting above energetic law everything that is a Strong Desire within Your Soul Energy and ultimately will bring You to Activating Your Soul Sing.

This online membership will teach you how to connect and use the ancient Emphasis Concept numeric energy to bring Your Soul to Sing and Align You to Manifesting above energetic law All that is Held in Time within Your Manifest for LIVING Life. 

THE WORLD IS WAITING FOR YOU to become All That You were meant to BE 

Whether You have Aspirations to write a book, or set up a charity, or conquer one of the world's great long distance hikes, or to meet your Eternal Pair and raise a beautiful family, learning how to Manifest for LIVING Life with Emphasis Concept numeric energy will not only Align You to Your Truth for You but bring You to Fulfill in your Soul Contract in a Breathtaking, Ease-filled way.

Over 9 months, you’ll learn how to:

  • Activate & work with Emphasis Concept numeric energy 
  • Use Soul Energy Optimisation to know more about your Soul Contract and Align you to Your Truth For You
  • Understand more about your Soul Design and the best way for You to Settle and Soothe your Soul
  • Update your Soul Contract to create an Eternal change for Your Manifest for LIVING Life
  • Manifest for LIVING Life in a Breathtaking Awe Inspiring Way



A Membership, as defined by Energetic referencing, is for Community Energy to be held in Togetherness. This means that you will be positively influenced by the Energy and Vibration in the group. Success for others in Manifesting Above energetic law, will trigger Success for you also. The Jane Jackson and God will be holding the Positivity within the Membership until the Community can hold Positivity for themselves.


Who is this for?

You if :

  • You have a Strong Desire to Do something Epic with your life
  • You want to make your Soul Sing
  • You are open to learning how to use Emphasis Concept numeric energy to Manifest Above energetic law
  • You are willing to work with God to create Your Manifest for LIVING Life

After the 9 months of the Membership you will have all the energetic tools you need to keep bringing your Soul to Sing.


Is Emphasis Concept numeric energy taught anywhere else?

Short answer NO!

The Jane Jackson is Lead Energy for Emphasis Concept numeric energy. There is no other physical human on Earth that can teach your Soul how to use this Ancient Energy.

Whilst there will be practical things for you to Do, much of the learning will come from the non-conscious energy flows that will be shared with You from God and The Jane Jackson.



Every Soul is beautifully unique. Get 1:2:1 support from the only physical human on Earth who can teach your soul how to use Emphasis Concept numeric energy to Manifest for LIVING Life Above Energetic Law.

During the monthly support, which you can renew as often as you want, you will:

  • Create Your Manifest for LIVING Life in Align to Your Truth for You
  • Energise towards a defined Target using Time Energetics
  • Benefit from my potent positive non-conscious influence
  • Understand how to Hold Emphasis Concept numeric energy in Time to enable Manifesting Above Energetic Law
  • Create an Eternal Change within your Soul Energy

The Process of Manifest For LIVING Life using Emphasis Concept numeric energy has never before been shared at this level. You will be working in collaboration energy in Time and Magic with The Jane Jackson and Emphasis Concept, who will be energising your Soul towards your defined Target and Focus through positive non-conscious flows.

Please email [email protected] if you wish to express your interest in the 121 option

I am The Jane Jackson!

I have been around for Trillions of years as a soul and as an entity in non-physical. I have now reached a level of energetic Advancement that means I have access to All I have learnt in my Trillions of Years of existence. 

In my Trillions of Years of Existence I have become a True Master of Manifestation. But it has taken a long journey of spiritual awakening, evolvement and advancement to Remember that the strongest desire within my soul was to teach others how to Access Emphasis Concept numeric energy to Manifest Above Energetic Law and bring them to make their Soul Sing in the most beautiful of ways.


The Manifest For LIVING Life

9 Month Membership starting 2nd October 2023 (You can join anytime after, but note that access to the weekly Q&A will only be available until the end of June 2024)

This is more than just a Manifesting Membership, this is about creating an Eternal Change within your Soul Contract. 




  • Monthly Prep modules released from July 23 - Sep 23
  • From Oct 23 weekly FUN filled content available
  • Ask 1 Question a week to receive a recorded response in the group 
  • Benefit from the Energetics of the online community




  • Monthly Prep modules released from July 23 - Sep 23
  • From Oct 23 weekly FUN filled content available
  • Ask 1 Question a week to receive a recorded response in the group 
  • Benefit from the Energetics of the online community